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Ever heard that AWESOMENESS is Life? I have.


Get Your Own Player!

♥Tuesday, August 30, 2011♥


♥imma treat you nicely, hun
@ 11:14 PM


My Awesome photobook of my boyfriend. He's THAT awesome. People love him so much They made a photobook of him. Aww.. Too bad, he's mine.

Anyways, today was MEH. Boring this and that. I watched city hunter though. Was so intimidating. Make me really watch until I was on my toes. Lee MinHo always acts out a douchie character. Makes me wanna slap him so bad. Too bad he's really hawt. Haha. I'm prowling around fansites looking for fan items. *stalks*

This is the whole set excluding the LARGE A1 poster that came with it. It's already stuck beside my bed. I abuse it by touching it every now an then. Muahahaha. NOW, I'm waiting for SHINee Juliette to arrive to my house. I'm so excited :DDDDD *jumps*

♥imma treat you nicely, hun
@ 10:53 PM

♥Sunday, August 28, 2011♥

OMG. The fireworks last night were awesome (: 3 minutes. Anyways, it was awesome but I got hit by standing too close :( I didn't wanna back up! If I did I would've lost my spot beside the basketball court and then I wouldn't get to see the guys play :) 62-60 Our guys won of course. I cheered until my throat got kinda hoarse. Then, I walked over to the nearby hall and cheered on the girls' team. They also won <3 50++-40++ Whatevs. They were all awesome anyways :DDD I wished I had a chance to play though ): I wanted to join but someone (a newbie) kinda took my place. But, like they say, you're in you're in, you're out you're out. What more can I add to their decisions? I can't change it. *sighs* I love Basketball still (:

♥imma treat you nicely, hun
@ 3:52 PM

♥Thursday, August 25, 2011♥

My toenails are now officially GREEN <3
It's a really Awesome color. I spent like the whole night trying to get them just right and failed like at least 4 times? Finally succeeded on the fifth try. Yay me. Well, the holidays is as boring as ever. I was learning the REPLAY (SHINee) dance this morning and finally mastered the chorus. I've always wondered how it felt and it feels great. Haha. Gonna learn the rest like tomorrow. Too lazy tired after tuition. Maths today, that subject used up too much of my brain power and made me like this ): But, I still love the subject though. Makes my brain spin, making think I'm finally using my brain. I recently just followed one of my friend's BLOG. It was pretty awesome compared my crap of a blog. So yeah, second day of my holiday. I'm waiting for 29th of August to come! My first time going out with my BEST FRIEND. We've known each other for 9 years going 10 next year. We thought we've NEVER been out together before, I was like, yeah. How is that possible? IDK. LOL. So we planned an outing and we're both very excited. YAY!

Here are the Items that I love now :) Random but true. I'm stating a fact. Don't hate on me cause of that. I do not like people hate on others with no apparent reason. LOL.
Item No. 1 : Barcelona Wristband. WOOTS. I love Barcelona. Heee :D
Item No. 2 : Daim, currently my sweet. *DROOLS* My dad bought a whole pack. Ngehehehe.
Item No. 3 : My boyfriend's photocard. Haha. He gave it to me before he went back to Korea, LOL. No, actually it came with a photobook I bought from his fansite. The people taking the pictures are practically his stalkers, literally O_O Still, isn't he handsome? Some of you may think the opposite, screw you. I'll just slap you if you say it in my face. Anyways, he's got a great voice unlike all you little people out. In your face.

*Me and my obsession with the k-pop world*

♥imma treat you nicely, hun
@ 4:48 PM

♥Wednesday, August 24, 2011♥

Yeah. So, I'm currently writing a fan fiction. About my all time favourite stars, SHINee. Read it sometimes if you love them. Comment and subscribe. Not much to say cause MY EYES are dying on me. Aight. Blog more next time. UGH.


♥imma treat you nicely, hun
@ 11:47 PM


Okay, at first i was like,
'Hey there, Sexy.'
Then, I tried raping the camera with a sexy smile.
Failed too.
I got bored and just took it like that. Ugh.
Last, I looked the other way.
Psh. Why do I even bother?

And with that, I started off my 2nd mid-term HOLIDAY.


♥imma treat you nicely, hun
@ 10:54 PM